Monday, April 15, 2013

John's Game Review: Minecraft pocket edition free

 This is the worst game I have ever played. You only get 28 materials but 10 are blocks of different colored wool and 4 of them are tools. Everything considered, you can only build with 14 things. And that's in creative. When you fly, your feet only go a block off the ground.

My rating: It's not even worth it.


Harelson Chess said...

John, at least you know what Minecraft is about. Mom bought me the paid subscription but we learned we have to upgrade our PC first. Minecraft won't run on our XP. Ethan

Colin's Mom said...

John...I totally agree. It might as well be nothing more than Minecraft wallpaper. Colin has built great buildings, but they become useless...I guess that means it is time to upgrade. Take it easy...Melissa ward